Sunday, September 21, 2008


In the Lower School Computer Lab, our first project is a self portrait. Each grade creates a different type of image as they explore new possibilities in age appropriate programs. We begin/reinforce file management skills as we name, save and print our files.

Kindergarten classes are introduced to KidPix. While practicing mouse skills (movement, click, click and drag) they create a self-portrait acrostic of their name. For each letter in their name, they find stamps of objects that begin with the same letter sound.

First grade continues to work in KidPix, which they've become quite comfortable with over the past year. With better dexterity and hand-eye coordination, they explore the tool bar further and actually draw an image of themselves.

Second grade returns to KidPix as well, and also creates an acrostic of their name, but this time they search for adjectives beginning with the same letters of their name to describe themselves. They take pictures of each other with a digital camera, and learn how to download the photo from the camera to their computer. They then import the image into their acrostic file.

Third grade builds on their knowledge from previous years. They take pictures of each other and download the photos from the camera to their computers. Working in Adobe Photoshop, they experiment with the filters and drawing tools and manipulate the photo of themselves. They save six different images, and then import those images into Adobe Pagemaker, arranging them into an "Andy Warhol" type portrait and adding their name.

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